Southern New England Law Librarians Association
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  • 9 Jul 2020 10:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The board met on July 1st to discuss our organization’s response to the ongoing movement to combat racial inequality in this country and in our profession. Our conversations were focused on what we can do as a board and what we all need to do as individuals. We resolved to do a couple of things as a board and the librarians in us couldn’t help but share some information as well…

    First, there are ongoing efforts to introduce measures to reform AALL itself and we generally are in favor of those efforts and will look for opportunities to show our support formally as a board.

    Second, seeing as how we did not as an organization pay out any money towards a scholarship this year, we thought it would be timely and appropriate to donate the amount we budgeted for, $595, to ALA’s Spectrum Scholarship Program, which actively recruits minority students to assist them with obtaining a graduate degree and leadership positions within the library profession, see

    Third, the information… As individuals, it is important that we all do some research and learn about how we can affect meaningful change at our institutions.  I am always so impressed by our profession when I am able to say: “There’s a libguide for that!” And indeed, the Office of Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has put together a guide with citations and links to resources focused on race, racism, and disrupting whiteness and white supremacy in libraries, see

    We are nearing the end of the board’s term and soon you’ll see an email asking you to vote for next year’s board in your inbox. So while we couldn’t commit the future board to a course of action, I think our membership should feel confident that this will only be the beginning of the conversation for us as an organization and let’s all make sure to continue doing our part as individuals. Thank you.

  • 27 Jun 2019 9:44 AM | Anonymous member

    Log into your account and go to Profile to renew your SNELLA membership today!

  • 2 Jun 2018 5:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SNELLA members are invited to apply for a grant in an amount of up to $1000 in order to attend the 2018 AALL Annual Meeting & Conference in Baltimore. Please complete the scholarship application form and email it to by June 15, 2018. The recipient of the scholarship will be notified by June 20, 2018.

  • 17 Apr 2018 5:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A2J: Law Libraries and Service to the Public

    Tuesday, May 8, 2018 | 9:30-2:30 | $25 for Members | $30 for Non-Members

    UConn Law School, Starr Reading Room, 55 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105

    Register here by May 1, 2018


    9:30-10:15: Registration, Continental Breakfast, & Welcoming Remarks

    10:15-11:15: A2J in the Courts: Connecticut Court Service Centers. Presenters, Desiree Biggs, manager Court Service Center in Hartford & Alexandra Gillett, Program Manager for the Court Service Center Program.

    11:15: Break

    11:30-12:30: A2J Education: Law libraries and public librarians. Presenters, Anne Rajotte, Head of Reference Services, University of Connecticut School of Law & Christopher Roy, Law Librarian II, Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Library at New Britain.

    12:30-1:30: Lunch

    1:30-2:30: A2J in Public Libraries: Redefining Access to Legal Assistance for Immigrants. Presenters from The American Place Adult Education & Immigration Services at the Hartford Public Library

    2:30: Closing remarks and tour

    For directions and maps, see

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